Botanical Essence: "Fire of blessing"
The flame-like forms of the plant are made up of many small flowers. This is a robust plant that tolerates high temperatures and dryness, so it grows well even in wastelands.
Botanical Essence: "Fruitful days"
The origin of the name comes exactly from the appearance, where the flowers grow like tiny rice bunch. These flowers are often being use in flower arrangement and many have been consumed in Japan.
Botanical Essence: "Repelling misfortune"
This strong plant is resistant to drought. In South America and Asia, some varieties are used as herbs. The spines on the sepals and leaves protect the flowers, which gather into spheres.
Botanical Essence: "Light my fire"
Eucalyptus is native to Australia. Eucalyptus contains oil inside the leaves, and it is one of the cause for mountain fire in the dry land. This has made Eucalyptus being known as the “gasoline trees.”
Botanical Essence: "Unwavering Spirit"
The name is derived from the leaves on a branch resembling the pine tree “Matsu” in the Chinese-style painting “Kara-e.” Its pinecone will open up when dried, allowing the seeds inside to fly away and disseminate.
Sea urchins are covered in spines in order to protect themselves from enemies. These unpainted, naturally colorful sea urchins have been enclosed inside acrylic resin in order to preserve the fragile bones.
Botanical Essence: "Strong yet gentle."
Bunny tail grass is a member of Poaceae family, native to Mediterranean region. Bunny tail grass is exactly what its name implies. The shape and color of golden flower panicles are attractive as an ornamental plant
Botanical Essence: Wishing upon the moon
The name "Luna," is from the Latin word for moon, as the thin disk-shaped fruit looks just like the moon. When ripe, the exodermis and seeds fall off and leave the silky white semitransparent endodermis standing.
Botanical Essence: "Loyalty"
American sweetgum’s leaves turn into beautiful red and orange colors in the fall. The spiked compound fruits are composed of numerous capsules and the seeds spill out during fall season when the fruit dries and open.
Botanical Essence: "Proof of love"
The fruit is round and full like a balloon. A heart shape pattern form on each surface of the seed, and this occurs when nutrition is being supplied during the formation of the fruit.
Botanical Essence: "Delicacy with a solid core"
A delicate net of lace-like veins formed from the calyx that wrapped and protected the fruit. The genus name, “Nicandra,” is taken from the Grecian poet Nicander of Colophon, known for his works on poison.
Botanical Essence: "Internal Beauty"
The white petals are known as inner bracts, protecting the yellow flowers in the middle. The purple peeking out are the outer bracts from the flowers first buds. Native to Australia, the flowers prefer dry areas.
This stand was created to meet the request to display the Sola cube more easily. This is a stand made up of two parts. This is handcrafted of fine wood by craftsman in Japan.
* This is for the stand only, no Sola cube is included.
Botanical Essence: "Harmony"
These hard Japanese walnuts are one of squirrels’ favorite treat. Most of the nuts get eaten on the spot, but few were fortunate enough to be hidden underground and sprout in the coming spring.
Botanical Essence: "Live with the wind."
The puffballs serve as a parachute for the dandelion, and close like an umbrella in rain. When in fair and sunny weather, the puffball would open up again and the seeds would be blown away by the wind.
Botanical Essence: "Live with the wind."
The puffballs serve as a parachute for the dandelion, and close like an umbrella in rain. When in fair and sunny weather, the puffball would open up again and the seeds would be blown away by the wind.
Botanical Essence: "Secret"
The globe thistle has thorny flowers, but each of these thistles is a small bud, before the flowers bloom. After the flowers open, the globe thistle is transformed into a soft, fluffy flower.
Botanical Essence: "A Happiness Charm"
Huayruro is a type of leguminous seed, which is native to South America. The unique red color seeds have been cherished as talisman accessories since the ancient Inca Empire period.
Botanical Essence: "Powerful Life"
The fruit has approximately a dozen cubicles and each will tear vertically upon ripen, in order to spread their seeds. The seeds are covered by solid seed coats, which can survive up to 20 years under ground in soil.
Botanical Essence: "A Pure Love"
The rose has been appreciated since ancient times, even making its appearance in the Epic of Gilgamesh from ancient Mesopotamia. The flower is also famous for being loved by Cleopatra—“a woman of surpassing beauty.”
Botanical Essence: Forever Charming
Sea lavender is native to Mediterranean region. Since the color of the flower is rather long lasting, it is also widely enjoyed as dried flower. It has also gained its fame as the "everlasting flower."
Botanical Essence: Sweet Temptation
The seeds inside spill out when the fruit dries up and splits open. The seeds of Yellow fennel flower have been used as medicine in Muslim culture and used as flavoring for desserts in Europe.
Botanical Essence: "The rain will stop."
The part that looks like a flower is actually the developed calyx, and small white flower blooms inside. “Statice” is the Greek word for “stop." It has been used as a gastrointestinal medicine.